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Step 1: Identify Stakeholders & Organize Your Steering Committee

What is this step?
Community-based evaluation is about facilitating relationships with people who have a stake in refugee sponsorship. We use the word "stakeholders" to describe these individuals or groups. This step builds a plan around stakeholder engagement.
This step asks the question: who are these stakeholders and how do we meaningfully involve them throughout the evaluation? There are three categories of stakeholders to consider: people with lived experience, influencers, and sustainers.
Identifying and engaging stakeholders from the beginning helps to build the trusting relationships that are needed for a successful evaluation.

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What do you need to do?
Map your stakeholders to understand who you should involve in the evaluation
Form your steering committee who will guide each step of the evaluation
Consider involving newcomers as peer researchers on the research team
Start thinking about how else to involve stakeholders in later phases of the evaluation (e.g., as research participants, in feedback sessions, helping to implement recommendations)
How can other SAHs help?

Our consultations with SAHs across Canada has suggested that stakeholders could be involved in evaluation in a variety of ways:
There are 4 ways to engage stakeholders in your own SAH evaluation

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If there is a national strategy for SAH evaluations then there are more ways to involve stakeholders.
How will stakeholders be involved in your evaluation?
Want to go deeper?

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative Toolkit can help you more.
Ideas about implementing this step:
Stakeholder mapping (slide deck #23 & 33)
Forming your steering committee (slide deck #26)
Involving peer researchers on your research team (slide deck #31-32)
Examples of how others have implemented this step around the world:
Stakeholder mapping in community sponsorship (slide decks #27-29)