Step 10: Share Learnings

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What is this step?
This step will help you create a reporting plan for your evaluation findings.
Evaluation findings can be shared in many ways. This step helps you consider your audience and stakeholders when sharing your learnings with impact.
Sharing learnings is an important part of community-based evaluation because it honours the contributions that people have made to the evaluation and leads people to act on findings and celebrate successes.
What do you need to do?
Create a sharing plan by choosing your audience and what formats are best to communicate findings to your chosen audience.
Make sure the steering committee agrees on the strategy used for sharing findings.
Consider more than one way of sharing the learnings. For instance, there are written, visual and oral strategies to share findings.
Be creative and engaging in sharing your findings.
How can other SAHs help?

Our consultations with SAHs across the country suggested that it is good to consider different formats of sharing evaluation learnings. This will help to speak to different audiences and make it more likely that people will act on your findings.
Here are some different ways to share your findings:
Want to go deeper?

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative Toolkit can help you more.
Ideas about implementing this step:
Sharing learnings (slide deck #111-114, 116, 119, 121-122)
Examples of how others have implemented this step around the world:
Creating a reporting plan in community sponsorship (slide deck #115)
Infographics and presentations (slide deck #117-118)
Online forum (slide deck #120)