Step 11: Initiate New Action

What is this step?
This step will help you to initiate new action based on evaluation results, recognizing that this involves more than sharing your learnings.
You will need to engage stakeholders and facilitate them to act on what they have learned.
In fact, the leadership shifts in this step, from the research team to those responsible for implementing evaluation recommendations.
What do you need to do?
Develop a plan of action about how to use your evaluation learnings:
Facilitate the steering committee to come up with concrete recommendations arising from the evaluation.
Ensure recommendations are clear, realistic and actionable, and that they each indicate who is responsible for implementation and by what timeline.
Develop a strategy for steering committee members to support those who have responsibility to implement recommendations.
Develop a plan for how to ensure that people follow-up with their commitments.
How can other SAHs help?

Our consultations with SAHs across Canada emphasized the importance of choosing wisely who is on your steering committee. After all, engaging steering committee members throughout the evaluation process increases the likelihood that evaluation findings will be acted on to improve your sponsorship program.
It is also important to make sure that evaluation recommendations are not vague and abstract, but specific and grounded in the realities of sponsorship stakeholders (again, your steering committee will help with this!).
Want to go deeper?

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative Toolkit can help you more.
Ideas about implementing this step:
Creating an action plan (slide deck #123-125 & 128)
Examples of how others have implemented this step around the world:
Creating action-oriented recommendations in community sponsorship (slide deck #126-127)