Step 6: Develop Methods for Collecting Information

What is this step?
In this step you will develop your evaluation methods to collect data that answers your evaluation questions.
Evaluation methods can be divided into three types:
Quantitative: which are numbers that are good for capturing the breadth of understanding (measurement).
Qualitative: which are words and stories that are good for capturing in-depth perspectives (meaning).
Arts-based: which are artistic expressions that are good for capturing unique insight, particularly if there is vulnerability or language barriers (experiences).
These groups of methods can help to answer your evaluation questions in different ways. Here are some examples of these methods:
Individual interviews​
Focus groups​
Community forums​
Participant observation​
Sharing circles
Informal questionnaires​
Census data ​
Large data sets​
Intake forms ​
Activity tracking forms
Digital storytelling​
What do you need to do?
Start with existing data to know what information you already have and how it answers the evaluation questions.
Identify the gaps in the data that are needed to answer the evaluation questions.
Choose multiple evaluation methods to capture different stakeholder perspectives that will help you answer your evaluation questions in a full some way.
Plan who is collecting the data, and how you will select and recruit evaluation participants.
How can other SAHs help?

The evaluation methods below were developed collaboratively with SAHS across Canada.
Choose which methods will help you to best answer your evaluation questions with the time and resources that you have available.
Consider evaluation as ongoing cycles (i.e., the four phases repeating themselves). You can have some methods consistent across all cycles, while choosing other methods for a particular cycle.

Access data gathering tools for each method here
Click to magnify image!
Take off the MRQ as they may have different ones

Want to go deeper?

The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative Toolkit can help you more.
Ideas about implementing this step:
Developing your evaluation methods (slide deck #65-69)
Examples of how others have implemented this step around the world:
Data collection methods for evaluating community sponsorship (slide deck #70-73)